Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Ex Factor

This is something just about everyone has probably had. If not an ex in a relationship then at least an ex friend. Luckily for me I only have one, but this is someone that's caused so many headaches it's not funny and he should be avoided.

The guy I'm speaking of is straywuffy. All of this happened a long time ago and I'm glad it didn't end up going any further.

This was a guy I got in a relationship with basically just on the fact that he was willing to give me a chance. Granted a liked him a little bit, but it wasn't really much. One thing that always made me feel weird was most of the time we talked it was only having rps. Then once it was over he basically stopped talking. Things progressed and at one point we were able to convince his parents to let him visit. So he came to visit for three weeks. However during the time he was on his way here someone contacted me on myspace. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I found out later that Stray had told the guy that they were in a relationship. Things went fine for the most part during the visit except he started acting weird during the second half and he acted spoiled the whole time. Granted I was happy to do and get things for him, but he didn't even act like he wanted to do it in the first place.

At the end of the trip actually on the way to the train station he broke up with me. Granted I was devastated, but in the end I was glad to be rid of his ass. Turned out that while he was here he started to loose interest in me and started falling for one of my friends at the time. So he dumped me so he could possibly try to get with them.

I still talked to him to a degree. Partially because of the whole first love thing and because I was stupid. One of my biggest mistakes was saying he could move in with me still no matter what because he was in a bad place where he was living. Before he moved in he got with another one of my friends. Then a few days before he was to come here and meet my friend in person he dumped them.

He came and lived here for about six months. During that time it gradually got worse. One of the wost things was it really put a stress on me and Keps relationship. Which to this day I still feel bad about. But one of the things that made me kick his ass out was the friend he dumped me for he ended up getting with while he was living here. Even though I had repeatedly warned him not too. Basically because at the time...lets call him Tim...Tim was doing a lot of weird things and he was seeming to manipulate me and Stray a lot of times we talked to him. Either way Stray got with Tim though I tried to give it a chance. That's when I found out Stray was pulling the same stuff. Rping with just about everyone he could and not really acting like he was in a relationship with Tim. Along with Stray said the same stuff to them, me and several other people. Mainly saying something like, "I want to be the one to take your virginity away and you mine."

Needless to say it all came crashing down and at one point while I was visiting Kep, Stray was at my house with everyone else while I was gone, he put up an emo journal saying how he wanted to kill himself because he couldn't be with Tim anymore. So I got worried about my family and him snapping while I was gone.

So once I got back I snapped at him and told him that he has to go back home. He was partially in denial till I got the train tickets and more or less had to pack all his crap since he wouldn't.

Though once he was gone and out of the house I felt so much better. Me and Kep got back on the right track, I didn't have to waste money on him anymore and I had my room to myself again.

Months later I finally sent him a note on FA telling him I hated his guts and I wished I never met him. Then several months after that he tried to squeeze himself into a relationship with Reaper and his mates...yeah that didn't sit well. And then Reaper sent me a note saying Stray way trying to draw me and Kep into his shit again. Trying to say we ruined his life and all this crap. I sent him one back biting his head off and that was that.

Only other things that have happened since was me hearing about how he's been using more people. Basically acting like they're in a relationship when they're really not and mostly just using them for sex and such. Latest thing was him using one of my one "friend" and basically comparing them to a prostitute. I warned them about Stray, but they didn't really want to listen. Then months later now I found out that my "friend" and Stray are supposed to be in a relationship. I more or less sat back and laughed because I know it's not going to go well at all. But I could really give a damn.

So as I said in the beginning of all of this. If you should see this guy around just avoid him. From what I've heard from other people he still has not changed and more or less will just give you a big headache. Along with he can't really be trusted at all.

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