Monday, November 22, 2010

My Problem with Authority Figures

This is an issue I've had for a long while now. That and I've been meaning to write something up on it. With me it's never been one of those rebellious things. Where I don't want to follow orders or whatever. With me I've always had my own reasons or whatever why I've just never really liked those types of people and they've given me plenty of reasons as to why I feel the way I do.

I know with me it started in school with the principles or even some of the teachers. Some of you know that I had issues while I was in school and I was one of the type that got picked on a good deal. So of course I fought back and that usually meant hitting them to try and get the point across to not screw with me. Granted yes I know that sort of thing is frowned upon either way. But whenever I would tell them the situation they would say that they would take care of the situation and say something to the other kids, but nothing would be done. They either wouldn't say anything or they would and it would continue and nothing else would be done about it. That whole sort of situation ended up carrying on throughout high school. Hence why I don't tolerate idiots very well anymore.

One issues that I know plenty of people have is not really liking the government or whatever. I'm not sure what really started it, but I know it's only really risen itself a few years ago. I've just grown to not trust people like that with a lot of power and money. Because they don't always tell the truth and they don't keep their promises. That's part of the reason why I don't vote. Though you always hear the thing of you should vote because you can change these things or whatever. I frankly don't believe that a lot of times. Because for one even if you vote for someone that you think would be good they could always turn around and do whatever they want anyways. Along with most of the people voting are complete idiots anyways and don't know what's right for them or what will be right. Hence why people still think Palin would be a good candidate.

This is one of my biggest issues at times and that's with managers at the jobs I've held. I know I didn't really recognize it till about halfway through my first job, but it was always there. Basically the whole thing of managers at jobs giving certain people special privileges, not going their job and slacking off because they feel they can and just having other people do the work. It was most evident while working at my past job at Petsmart. The managers were allowed to come in and leave whenever they wanted. I was basically doing a managers job because she didn't want to do it and not getting equal pay. That and I was fired just because of something a manager said and could not prove. Just because her status was higher then mine.

This last one I'm really not surprised of and most probably arn't surprised I'm mentioning something about it. And that would be the admins on FA. Yes you can argue the fact that I don't donate any money to the site so I shouldn't bitch about how things are run. But I really don't believe that myself. Whether or not I donate to the site should not dictate if it is run properly or not and if I should have a say in it. There are a few of the admins that I don't really have an issue with. The small problems that I've had they more or less solved them and replied to my trouble tickets fairly quickly. But most of them I don't believe should be allowed to have that sort of power. One recently I found out was suspended from admin status and I couldn't help but laugh about it. Because she shouldn't be an admin. Any of the recent issues I've had she's simply responded to my trouble tickets by saying I should if I have not block the person and leave it at that. Yet on every banned or many suspended pages they post that harassment is not tolerated on the site. Well apparently it is. They just choose when to care about it or not. They don't always care of something is happening if it can be simply covered up. Even if said person will continue doing what they've done.

I've also had the issue of trouble tickets staying unanswered for weeks or even months at a time and when I say something about it they half ass the issue or just ignore it completely. Many of you are aware of the issues I've had with Cyrsynik. I've posted at least two trouble tickets concerning what he's done on the site. The first one was posted on 8/26, Pinkuh of all people answered it, which instantly made me groan. She started giving me excuses that were stupid and I showed her so. After that she seemed like she was going to try working on the issue. But after her second reply the trouble ticket was ignored. So I waited a few weeks, closed it, opened a new one on 9/7 and waited some more. After that I sent a note to Dragoneer, even though I wasn't holding my breath, to see if he'll help with it. After getting a reply and sending him everything it was ignored as well. And the trouble ticket on the issue sits open still and unreplied to. And when some of the issues that were proven with Pinkuh were brought up with Dragoneer he got irritated because he didn't want to see the truth and decided to simply step away. Instead of taking responsibility for the admins that he appoints. I know a lot of people bitch about stupid and pointless things and do it all the time. That's one of the reasons there's so many issues on the site and I know how annoying it is to deal with it. But when something serious comes up and is ignored there's basically no excuse for it. Though I still say that they pick and choose who they actually help. And if they don't like someone on the site then they won't help them how they're supposed to.

One thing recently though that's rubbed me the wrong way is the fact that Sciggles can apparently get away with whatever she wants on the site because she's with Dragoneer. Granted some of the other admins are involved in this whole thing, but as usual I don't expect anything to be done about it. What I'm talking about is the whole "veggie dog" thing. Anyone with half a brain should be able to realize what it's about. Especially if they followed any of the Allan drama. Funny part is I remember Dragoneer specifically saying at one point that no one is to start anything with him no matter what. Because it'll just cause more issues and if anyone does they will be banned. Well apparently it doesn't matter of his girlfriend and some of his admins start something up. Because what the meme is about, if you don't know, is you draw a canine with headphones and a bandanna and name it after a vegetable. She even tried acting "cute" with me and tried to act like she doesn't know what I'm talking about and, "what's wrong with drawing a canine with headphones and a bandanna?" Yeah I'm not stupid I know what you're doing. But of course nothing can and will be done about it. Just about everyone that knows me knows I don't like Allan and I still think he's an idiot. Especially after that last stunt he pulled, but I just think this whole thing she started up is sad and pathetic. But again there's nothing you can really do about it or any of the other situations I've mentioned. As far as the trouble ticket I'm just going to leave it there and see how long it takes till someone decides to do something about it. Though more than likely they'll just look at it and close it due to it's date.

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