Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Updates on Stupid

So here's a little update on a certain idiot that doesn't seem to know when to leave well enough alone. I'm talking about Cyrsynik once again.

Now where to start on this one...well for one thing it's funny at all the things he's done behind my back and then tried to act stupid about with other people that he's talked to. For one thing he tried showing at least one person a link to those nude photos of Kep, which I got taken down, he's started stalking several people I know and that had bad mouthed him in that one journal. He's even lied about where he lied to to try and get a reaction out of me. I've also gone and reported more or less everything that's happened up to this point to the police. Which in turn left a voice mail on his cell, but he decided not to take it seriously and just laughed about it. I've also reported what he's done on FA to the admins via TT, but it's been more or less ignored. When I first reported it Pinkuh answered it and was giving me some bs and then didn't come back to it. So I went, closed it and opened a new one. That one is currently being ignored. I then proceeded to send a note to Dragoneer about the situation. He replied once and I gave him the desired info, but got nothing else after that. I went and sent him another note a week or so later asking about it and of course got no response from that. So at this point I figure nothing is going to be done about the situation and it will continue to be unresolved on FA. Thanks again for letting me believe that this sort of thing is allowed on the site.

As far as anything else Cyrsynik has mostly been pestering Syn. I have all the conversation logs that have transpired between them and will post them on here a little further down. For the most part I've just laughed about them. Oh yeah and I know you already know my answer, but as far as you trying to apologize for everything. Again you can kiss my ass and go drown in a pool of your own shit because I don't want to hear it and it still wouldn't mean anything to me if you did.

His latest stunt is he's created a fake Yahoo account in an attempt to get both me and Syn to talk to him. However it's sadly obvious as to who it really is. One of the things that gives it away is the fact that apparently this "friend" works with Cyrsynik, but had no idea what his real name was...right. Along with the fact that the other day when I was doing a livestream the Vex guy somehow knew that I was doing it and watched me. When the guy doesn't even have an FA page at all. Along with they watched me about the same time that Cyrsynik left a comment on a friends journal. He's also sent me a message about a month or so ago now on xbox live because I had apparently not blocked him on there. So I just took a photo of it and blocked contact with him.

So as far as I'm concerned this whole situation won't really end. The guy doesn't understand anything and isn't taking the cops seriously and the FA staff arn't handling the situation at all as usual.

So here are the links to the convo longs that Syn has had with him and the one I've had with "vex".



  1. "Along with the fact that the other day when I was doing a livestream the Vex guy somehow knew that I was doing it and watched me."

    You don't need a FA account to read journals.

  2. Speaking of butthurt stalkers.
