Monday, November 22, 2010

My Problem with Authority Figures

This is an issue I've had for a long while now. That and I've been meaning to write something up on it. With me it's never been one of those rebellious things. Where I don't want to follow orders or whatever. With me I've always had my own reasons or whatever why I've just never really liked those types of people and they've given me plenty of reasons as to why I feel the way I do.

I know with me it started in school with the principles or even some of the teachers. Some of you know that I had issues while I was in school and I was one of the type that got picked on a good deal. So of course I fought back and that usually meant hitting them to try and get the point across to not screw with me. Granted yes I know that sort of thing is frowned upon either way. But whenever I would tell them the situation they would say that they would take care of the situation and say something to the other kids, but nothing would be done. They either wouldn't say anything or they would and it would continue and nothing else would be done about it. That whole sort of situation ended up carrying on throughout high school. Hence why I don't tolerate idiots very well anymore.

One issues that I know plenty of people have is not really liking the government or whatever. I'm not sure what really started it, but I know it's only really risen itself a few years ago. I've just grown to not trust people like that with a lot of power and money. Because they don't always tell the truth and they don't keep their promises. That's part of the reason why I don't vote. Though you always hear the thing of you should vote because you can change these things or whatever. I frankly don't believe that a lot of times. Because for one even if you vote for someone that you think would be good they could always turn around and do whatever they want anyways. Along with most of the people voting are complete idiots anyways and don't know what's right for them or what will be right. Hence why people still think Palin would be a good candidate.

This is one of my biggest issues at times and that's with managers at the jobs I've held. I know I didn't really recognize it till about halfway through my first job, but it was always there. Basically the whole thing of managers at jobs giving certain people special privileges, not going their job and slacking off because they feel they can and just having other people do the work. It was most evident while working at my past job at Petsmart. The managers were allowed to come in and leave whenever they wanted. I was basically doing a managers job because she didn't want to do it and not getting equal pay. That and I was fired just because of something a manager said and could not prove. Just because her status was higher then mine.

This last one I'm really not surprised of and most probably arn't surprised I'm mentioning something about it. And that would be the admins on FA. Yes you can argue the fact that I don't donate any money to the site so I shouldn't bitch about how things are run. But I really don't believe that myself. Whether or not I donate to the site should not dictate if it is run properly or not and if I should have a say in it. There are a few of the admins that I don't really have an issue with. The small problems that I've had they more or less solved them and replied to my trouble tickets fairly quickly. But most of them I don't believe should be allowed to have that sort of power. One recently I found out was suspended from admin status and I couldn't help but laugh about it. Because she shouldn't be an admin. Any of the recent issues I've had she's simply responded to my trouble tickets by saying I should if I have not block the person and leave it at that. Yet on every banned or many suspended pages they post that harassment is not tolerated on the site. Well apparently it is. They just choose when to care about it or not. They don't always care of something is happening if it can be simply covered up. Even if said person will continue doing what they've done.

I've also had the issue of trouble tickets staying unanswered for weeks or even months at a time and when I say something about it they half ass the issue or just ignore it completely. Many of you are aware of the issues I've had with Cyrsynik. I've posted at least two trouble tickets concerning what he's done on the site. The first one was posted on 8/26, Pinkuh of all people answered it, which instantly made me groan. She started giving me excuses that were stupid and I showed her so. After that she seemed like she was going to try working on the issue. But after her second reply the trouble ticket was ignored. So I waited a few weeks, closed it, opened a new one on 9/7 and waited some more. After that I sent a note to Dragoneer, even though I wasn't holding my breath, to see if he'll help with it. After getting a reply and sending him everything it was ignored as well. And the trouble ticket on the issue sits open still and unreplied to. And when some of the issues that were proven with Pinkuh were brought up with Dragoneer he got irritated because he didn't want to see the truth and decided to simply step away. Instead of taking responsibility for the admins that he appoints. I know a lot of people bitch about stupid and pointless things and do it all the time. That's one of the reasons there's so many issues on the site and I know how annoying it is to deal with it. But when something serious comes up and is ignored there's basically no excuse for it. Though I still say that they pick and choose who they actually help. And if they don't like someone on the site then they won't help them how they're supposed to.

One thing recently though that's rubbed me the wrong way is the fact that Sciggles can apparently get away with whatever she wants on the site because she's with Dragoneer. Granted some of the other admins are involved in this whole thing, but as usual I don't expect anything to be done about it. What I'm talking about is the whole "veggie dog" thing. Anyone with half a brain should be able to realize what it's about. Especially if they followed any of the Allan drama. Funny part is I remember Dragoneer specifically saying at one point that no one is to start anything with him no matter what. Because it'll just cause more issues and if anyone does they will be banned. Well apparently it doesn't matter of his girlfriend and some of his admins start something up. Because what the meme is about, if you don't know, is you draw a canine with headphones and a bandanna and name it after a vegetable. She even tried acting "cute" with me and tried to act like she doesn't know what I'm talking about and, "what's wrong with drawing a canine with headphones and a bandanna?" Yeah I'm not stupid I know what you're doing. But of course nothing can and will be done about it. Just about everyone that knows me knows I don't like Allan and I still think he's an idiot. Especially after that last stunt he pulled, but I just think this whole thing she started up is sad and pathetic. But again there's nothing you can really do about it or any of the other situations I've mentioned. As far as the trouble ticket I'm just going to leave it there and see how long it takes till someone decides to do something about it. Though more than likely they'll just look at it and close it due to it's date.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Updates on Stupid

So here's a little update on a certain idiot that doesn't seem to know when to leave well enough alone. I'm talking about Cyrsynik once again.

Now where to start on this one...well for one thing it's funny at all the things he's done behind my back and then tried to act stupid about with other people that he's talked to. For one thing he tried showing at least one person a link to those nude photos of Kep, which I got taken down, he's started stalking several people I know and that had bad mouthed him in that one journal. He's even lied about where he lied to to try and get a reaction out of me. I've also gone and reported more or less everything that's happened up to this point to the police. Which in turn left a voice mail on his cell, but he decided not to take it seriously and just laughed about it. I've also reported what he's done on FA to the admins via TT, but it's been more or less ignored. When I first reported it Pinkuh answered it and was giving me some bs and then didn't come back to it. So I went, closed it and opened a new one. That one is currently being ignored. I then proceeded to send a note to Dragoneer about the situation. He replied once and I gave him the desired info, but got nothing else after that. I went and sent him another note a week or so later asking about it and of course got no response from that. So at this point I figure nothing is going to be done about the situation and it will continue to be unresolved on FA. Thanks again for letting me believe that this sort of thing is allowed on the site.

As far as anything else Cyrsynik has mostly been pestering Syn. I have all the conversation logs that have transpired between them and will post them on here a little further down. For the most part I've just laughed about them. Oh yeah and I know you already know my answer, but as far as you trying to apologize for everything. Again you can kiss my ass and go drown in a pool of your own shit because I don't want to hear it and it still wouldn't mean anything to me if you did.

His latest stunt is he's created a fake Yahoo account in an attempt to get both me and Syn to talk to him. However it's sadly obvious as to who it really is. One of the things that gives it away is the fact that apparently this "friend" works with Cyrsynik, but had no idea what his real name was...right. Along with the fact that the other day when I was doing a livestream the Vex guy somehow knew that I was doing it and watched me. When the guy doesn't even have an FA page at all. Along with they watched me about the same time that Cyrsynik left a comment on a friends journal. He's also sent me a message about a month or so ago now on xbox live because I had apparently not blocked him on there. So I just took a photo of it and blocked contact with him.

So as far as I'm concerned this whole situation won't really end. The guy doesn't understand anything and isn't taking the cops seriously and the FA staff arn't handling the situation at all as usual.

So here are the links to the convo longs that Syn has had with him and the one I've had with "vex".

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Don't post your feeling on FA

So to start off this post I wanted to explain something. I don't post these blogs like I do or some of the journals I do on FA because I want attention, I'm trying to impress people or trying to cry to people about something. With these blogs I'm trying to point out certain people in this fandom that decide to act a certain way so other people know about them and won't have to deal with them themselves.

Now with that out of the way this post is about .

From what I had gathered they were one of the people watching me and more or less just watching from the shadows. They never commented on anything, never faved anything, they were just kind of there. I don't even remember when exactly they had watched me or if they had commented on anything. At least till I posted this journal. And apparently he didn't like it. As I say people are entitled to their opinions and such, but when they're just going to be a blatant dick with me on a topic then I'm not going to be all sunshine and rainbows.

So a little while into the discussion he left me a shout on my page saying something along the lines of, "I'm unwatching you for being a complete baby." >.> Wow well for one thing I don't know how I was actually crying in this journal and secondly as I had stated in a journal after that one I didn't care. So there was no reason to make yourself look like even more of a dick/idiot by posting that. Because I'm not someone that cares about having more view or more watches or whatever. I'm here to post my stuff, to joke and have fun when I can and to make friends.

So to a degree I just figured he had some kind of beef with me and ignored what he was doing because I knew he was just trying to get me riled up. Though after looking around a bit I saw other comments like his on my profile. He for whatever reason seems to go around being a blatant dick on people's profiles for whatever reason. Along with he makes himself sound retarded by commenting on a drawing and going, "Crux approves of this."

And his latest little escapade apparently he's joined with his other half of a brain and started commenting on Tuqiri's page. Though I still can't wrap my head around his logic. He even admits to wanting to troll Tuqiri, but then wants to be buddies because he doesn't like me. Go team stupid. ^^;

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Money talks shit walks

And this shit really gets around. For starters the person I'm talking about is So where to start on this. Well for starters he was one of the people I had mentioned in a previous blog that was about my idiot ex, which that's oddly enough how I met him.

Seemed like he was normal enough at first of course, but then the shit started to happen. Found out he was interested in my ex, even after my ex had used him, and wouldn't let him drop. I accepted that and let you make your own stupid mistake with that. But then while I'm trying to help you and such and get you to understand a few other things you treat me like this and give me the emo treatment and wouldn't listen about not wanting to rp with you. That's the exact moment where I lost trust in you.

Time went on and I continued to have little contact with him because I didn't feel comfortable talking to him anymore, but it was easier to just deal with him than it was to tell him off.

At one point he broke up with his one five times or something like that. I more or less lost count at one point and he ended up throwing a fit. Basically putting up pissy and emo journal one after another. Along with, I may be wrong on this, his or it was at least someone's personal info on FA after he got pissed of and started throwing a fit. After a while he deleted those things, because I don't think anyone reported him. Otherwise he would have been banned for a while from the site. Crap like this happened off and on for a little while over the past year or so.

Then one of his biggest little fits he pulled the suicide card. But did it with the wrong person. Because they actually took it seriously, called the cops and got cyrsynik thrown into jail for it.

Time went by and like I said I never regained trust in him, but apparently I had to win trust back in him because I told my friends when he was badmouthing them to me. Along with he started to become one of those people that didn't understand what relationships were and kept trying to go after Kep and even admitted that he liked me.

Even at one point recently, right before Anthrocon actually, Kep tells me that cyrsynik tried going after him yet again, saying how he wanted to be with Kep and such, and Kep shot him down and I had a good laugh.

Now we get to about a week ago. I heard that cyrsynik was being snippy and such to Kep and I had more or less had enough. So I went and told cyrsynik that he needed to cut that crap out because I've had enough of it. So he had said a few things which caused me to post that one journal on FA. Here's the texts he sent me during all of that.

"What's up?

I was doing no such thing. D:

Well I guess hes upset at something but wont tell me what, then he blocked me because I asked him about it. You have fun with that im going to go bone a dragon, Goodbye. only mated to one person. And i never left hbim. But ok? Not like what you have is much of one either. Considering i moved out and live with my partner. *chuckles* and i could tell you stories naki :3 aaaaanyway tell him i said im open to talk if he wants.

Well ok. But just for kicks me and kep had plenty of paw sessions over the phone and he has sent me quite a few pictures of him in his loincloth and such ;p anyways. I'm glad to see your being mature about this. I'll see you next ac. As for him i don't know. He's mad because I wouldn't yiff him so whatever. I can send you the logs if you want proof.

What question?

:/ you know, this is all stupid right?

Well then we can move past it. I'll unblock you from fa when I go back inside. Dude seriously naki i'm not oging to fight with you over relationships. What I said was just not the right thing. But ayways either or your still a great friend, weather you believe it or not.

So can we move on with this?

Well it's gone naki. But i think we both should get some much needed rest. I hope to hear from you soon huskybutt."

He continued to try and contact me and I ignored it. Then at one point several days later after he had noticed my journal he started sending me these texts.

"Hey Naki you ok now?

Naki...can you please reply?

*sighs* fine. You can hate me all you want but I will not be called a liar. Please take that journal down.

I wasn't lying...just so you know. Your still a good friend just so you know.

(Later in the day)

Yeah, well im not saying i should have done what i did. i'm sorry about it naki. but he even told you himself he was having a bad day.

Ummm naki, that was like forever ago. I mean fine so be it if he was sorry for me i don't care. The poin tis that we, meaning all 3 of us, were friends. I don't want it to end. I'm not asking for all your trust back either, i just don't want to lose you two. Besides like Kepwould leave you for my ugly ass anyways.

No, it's never too late. I don't see why you hate me so much anyway.

Well I didn't. I figured hed hate me for the rest of forever. And seriously, this is a dumb reason to be fighting. Just let it go naki, please.

Why? Because i -used- to date stray? I just want a reason as to why you can't just forgive me. I's like the littlest fuck up i do sets you off.

*sighs* whatever naki. Your being immature about this. And at least I don't live with my fucking mom still. Fuck you you fiece of shit.

Good call lol"

So for one thing. He apparently wasn't lying about those few things he said about Kep. But we talked about it, I was able to calm Kep down and we worked things out. However cyrsynik couldn't seem to get it through his head that messing with someones relationship is a perfectly good reason to be pissed off at someone.

So after everything luckily Kep listened to me and we more or less blocked him and got rid of him on everything that we could. Though he's still able to text me with his phone and he's been continuing to try and contact me to talk to me again. Yesterday he sent me a few texts trying to contact me once again and then sent me this one. Probably after I had mentioned my ex in one of my friends journals.

"Hey, for the record, if you don't want these precious pictures of your wolf spreading around, then leave stray alone. Got it? :) This is not up for negotiation. Have a nice day."

So yeah this is the kind of person he is like I said. He'll get pissed off and basically threaten to spread around personal information and such because he doesn't really have any balls.

Like I've said before you are plum out of luck if you think me and Kep are going to want to talk to you again so unless you want to make yourself look like even more of a pathetic idiot you might want to try and stop contacting us.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Fakers

This is one thing the fandom is full of sadly enough. People that try to act like something they're not either to get attention or just because. I know there's some out there that do it because they have different characters or whatever. For me I am who I am. I state how I am in my profile and don't hide anything. As I say in it I'm a good guy, you just don't start shit with me and I can be an ass when and if I need to be. I know I'm not perfect myself. Along with my character is me. That's why I act like myself and not something else. Though there are plenty of people out there that'll act all nice, but in reality they're just blatant stuck up assholes.

In this one I'm speaking specifically about baltowoof. I've only had a few run ins with him myself, but those short encounters told me a lot about him. He's a blatant asshole that's also completely stuck up about himself.

Usually I try not to judge people before I actually get to know them or anything. There are a few circumstances when I don't. But again sometimes people are able to fake it so well you're not really able to figure it out till a while after. For me everything started up when he posted a journal to a survey he was conducting on fursuiters. Basically to see who actually does sexual acts in them, which that's something else I'll comment on, and who doesn't.

One thing before I continue is another way to see how much of an asshole this guy is is the fact that he had a suit that was made for someone else and before he gave it to said person he had sex with it and posted videos of it on xtube. Yeah you don't do that with someone elses suit.

But as I was saying he posted the results a few days or so in the journal and it said most furs didn't do anything sexual in their suits. He also included in the description of the journal that anyone that was to troll or start drama with all of this will receive a temporary block on his page. Now I wish I had screen shots of all of this, but I don't. So I commented in it saying something along the lines of, "I wonder how many people were telling the truth in this." He proceeded to reply to me saying something like, "Please keep your thoughts off of my journal." I didn't know if he was being serious of if he was just being stupid with me. So I ended up commenting back with, "That's just what I'm thinking. Imagine what actually comes out of my mouth." I don't completely remember what he said back but it was something just like, "uh huh." and blocked me. I was actually going to reply to that saying I didn't know if he was being serious or not, but I was just kind of joking around with it then, but that obviously didn't happen.

So I was confused as to what had happened so I made an account quick so I could ask him about it. This is what happened through the notes on it.

The last one there is one he sent me on that account after I more or less told him off and blocked him on my actual account. I was mostly saying on how I don't know what his issue is, but I had lost a lot of respect for him after pulling that little stunt. That and how he wasn't going to hear from me again. I hadn't checked that account since all of this went down so it was almost a year later that I read that last note.

Which again it just makes him look like a complete dick again. By the sounds of it he just posts journals on his page more or less to get attention. Because as he stated he doesn't want people to comment in them or leave feedback in his journals. Yet he continues to post them. >.>

Then several months later he started having an emo fit or something like that. Because he deleted most of his account and posted this on the front page of it.
Image Hosted by
By red13nanaki at 2010-08-03

I figured he was having a fit that people like him tend to have and abandoned his account. Apparently sometime after this he put up a journal where he completely spazzed out or something. Either I just don't remember it or I just never saw it. But this is the resulting journal from that and my comments to it.

After all of this I realized I wasn't the only one that had issues with or that thought he was an ass. So apparently it wasn't just me. The thing I still find funny is the fact that I actually made a good friend out of all of this. Though after all of this was over he deleted the journal and tried to wash his hands of it as well.

Time went on and nothing really happened. I've seen him post more asshole/whoring journals for attention, but nothing juicy. Though at one point I stumbled across his twitter page, which he as locked, but he had a real photo of himself as an icon. Which as far as I'm concerned it just makes him look like even more of an ass.

Then comes Anthrocon this year. As many of you know I went and had a blast. Though at one point me, Ana, Syn and her mate were walking through the tunnel that leads to the bridge that goes to the Westen. That's when two suiters were walking by and I more or less didn't pay them any attention. Though out of the corner of my eye I was one of them doing that whole, "I'm scratching my cheek, but I'm actually flicking you off, thing." I just kind of chuckled a little bit and wondered what that was about. That's when Ana turned to me and stared asking if I knew who they were. Which turns out it was Azure and Balto. So he thought he'd be cute and flick me off in his one suit in thinking I wouldn't know who it was. Granted I didn't, but Ana did. So you're pathetic little attempt was kind of ruined there.

Then after the con a few more random little things came up. Like how he let someone else use his suit for the dance competition, which won, even though he can't dance or anything. For those of you that are wondering no I'm not jealous. I can't dance myself and I could care less. ^^; But the main reason he seems to have done it is so he can brag about it. Even though he had nothing to do with it.

His newest journal again just kind of adds to the asshole factor.

Frankly I don't know what his issue is. Either he's just a flat out dick, which I think is part of it. Along with he must feel like he's better than everyone else because he has a fursuit, is in a relationship with a fursuit maker, goes to lots of cons and has several suits. That doesn't make you better than someone. Who you are and what you do decides that. Just because I draw and have a suit doesn't make me better than anyone else out there. Again these are the great people that tend to make this fandom shit anymore.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Ex Factor

This is something just about everyone has probably had. If not an ex in a relationship then at least an ex friend. Luckily for me I only have one, but this is someone that's caused so many headaches it's not funny and he should be avoided.

The guy I'm speaking of is straywuffy. All of this happened a long time ago and I'm glad it didn't end up going any further.

This was a guy I got in a relationship with basically just on the fact that he was willing to give me a chance. Granted a liked him a little bit, but it wasn't really much. One thing that always made me feel weird was most of the time we talked it was only having rps. Then once it was over he basically stopped talking. Things progressed and at one point we were able to convince his parents to let him visit. So he came to visit for three weeks. However during the time he was on his way here someone contacted me on myspace. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I found out later that Stray had told the guy that they were in a relationship. Things went fine for the most part during the visit except he started acting weird during the second half and he acted spoiled the whole time. Granted I was happy to do and get things for him, but he didn't even act like he wanted to do it in the first place.

At the end of the trip actually on the way to the train station he broke up with me. Granted I was devastated, but in the end I was glad to be rid of his ass. Turned out that while he was here he started to loose interest in me and started falling for one of my friends at the time. So he dumped me so he could possibly try to get with them.

I still talked to him to a degree. Partially because of the whole first love thing and because I was stupid. One of my biggest mistakes was saying he could move in with me still no matter what because he was in a bad place where he was living. Before he moved in he got with another one of my friends. Then a few days before he was to come here and meet my friend in person he dumped them.

He came and lived here for about six months. During that time it gradually got worse. One of the wost things was it really put a stress on me and Keps relationship. Which to this day I still feel bad about. But one of the things that made me kick his ass out was the friend he dumped me for he ended up getting with while he was living here. Even though I had repeatedly warned him not too. Basically because at the time...lets call him Tim...Tim was doing a lot of weird things and he was seeming to manipulate me and Stray a lot of times we talked to him. Either way Stray got with Tim though I tried to give it a chance. That's when I found out Stray was pulling the same stuff. Rping with just about everyone he could and not really acting like he was in a relationship with Tim. Along with Stray said the same stuff to them, me and several other people. Mainly saying something like, "I want to be the one to take your virginity away and you mine."

Needless to say it all came crashing down and at one point while I was visiting Kep, Stray was at my house with everyone else while I was gone, he put up an emo journal saying how he wanted to kill himself because he couldn't be with Tim anymore. So I got worried about my family and him snapping while I was gone.

So once I got back I snapped at him and told him that he has to go back home. He was partially in denial till I got the train tickets and more or less had to pack all his crap since he wouldn't.

Though once he was gone and out of the house I felt so much better. Me and Kep got back on the right track, I didn't have to waste money on him anymore and I had my room to myself again.

Months later I finally sent him a note on FA telling him I hated his guts and I wished I never met him. Then several months after that he tried to squeeze himself into a relationship with Reaper and his mates...yeah that didn't sit well. And then Reaper sent me a note saying Stray way trying to draw me and Kep into his shit again. Trying to say we ruined his life and all this crap. I sent him one back biting his head off and that was that.

Only other things that have happened since was me hearing about how he's been using more people. Basically acting like they're in a relationship when they're really not and mostly just using them for sex and such. Latest thing was him using one of my one "friend" and basically comparing them to a prostitute. I warned them about Stray, but they didn't really want to listen. Then months later now I found out that my "friend" and Stray are supposed to be in a relationship. I more or less sat back and laughed because I know it's not going to go well at all. But I could really give a damn.

So as I said in the beginning of all of this. If you should see this guy around just avoid him. From what I've heard from other people he still has not changed and more or less will just give you a big headache. Along with he can't really be trusted at all.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The disease we call Thewielder

So this is kind of an old issue now, but new things continue to pop up about him.

As a short recap for those that don't know what happened. The guy apparently likes throwing up journals to get reactions out of people every once in a while because he likes the attention and more than likely finds it funny.

Well one day I saw a journal posted saying something along the lines, "So you like to fursuit?" I was curious so I went and checked it out. More or less it was him spazzing out on suiters saying they needed to stay the fuck away from children and acting like they're all pedos or something.

So I for a change did the smart thing. I didn't reply to it and I just reported his ass. Though by morning he had posted several other journals as well. For a change things worked out and they were deleted. However the retard followed my back trail since I just shouted on an admins page about it. I figured that would be the quickest way to get it resolved since trouble tickets don't seem to work half the time anymore.

Needless to say he threw a fit about it and I just sat back and watched. Then he continued to try and rile people up and get them after me. Posting a few things in new journals and on his blog spot. Yet I continued to be smart and kept my mouth shut so if it came down to it he could be simply banned.

In the end I had I think 7 people go after me in one way or another. Though it was obvious as to who they were so that just made it funny. Only thing that sucked was I didn't have enough pester me to get him banned.

Sadly though he continues to put up new journals trying to get attention and get people riled up because he's that pathetic. The only thing that's sadder than him is the fact that the admins let him get away with it. Me and several other people have contacted them about Thewielders actions and by the sounds of it they're afraid of him so they don't take any actions against him.

The newest sad thing that he's done is try to weasel his way out of the commissions he's taken. If you're not able or too lazy to do them then don't take them in the first place moron. It's probably because he is just too lazy to do them and because he gets more attention from his trolling journals.

Either way me and several other people that have half a brain are keeping an eye on him and next time he tries to start something AGAIN we'll be there to report his ass once again. Because from what I found out he does have a pretty big record of incidents. So they can't really ignore it forever.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Anthrocon Allan

Well now that it's all said and done I'm sad to say I've had the displeasure of running into the guy several times during the con. The only good thing is the fact that someone didn't try starting shit with him to the point of beating the crap out of him and getting the news involved.

However from what I heard from several people, including my room mate, a few things did go down. One being one of the funniest and that's people denying him art. I really didn't think people would have been that smart for a change, but apparently they were. But there were also plenty of them that were dumbasses and let him get that commission. Though either way that just gives everyone even more evidence.

The one thing I am curious about though is how many people actually had the balls to say something to him at the con. Because more than likely only about one percent of the people saying online that they were going to do something at the con did something. Though I was one of them.

As I said I ran into him several times during the con and my god does he look creepy. The first time I ran into his ass me and a few friends were eating at the one Chinese Buffet. I kept looking behind Ana and trying to figure out who was sitting there. I leaned over to Suka because he saw him already and sure enough it was Allan. He was sitting with the one other creepy fur that seemed to be stalking around with him the whole time. I didn't want to do anything too bad while I was there, because I didn't want us to get kicked out. So when I came back with some food at one point he was walking behind us to the cash register and I just said really loudly, "Wow it sure is amazing what you can do on Welfare!" I know I said one or two other things and Suka said something too, but I don't remember what they were. ^^; Though more than likely he either didn't hear us or he just didn't react.

Then during the last day of the con while I was dragging some of my stuff back to the car again I walked by him again. Once he got close enough I said plenty loudly so he could hear me and with a big grin on my face, "You're such a freaking idiot." He just got all confused and asked if I was talking to him. Even though no one else was around us. I ended up just turning around and telling him he knows that he's done and kept going. I just think he's too stupid to register what he's doing anymore and what people are saying to him.

Though this does make me wonder more. Just on how much he did spend while he was there on commissions. He didn't necessarily have to buy a lot of them, just get plenty of them from popular artists. And as far as the con being drama free for him? Yeah that's a load of crap. Everyone that denied him art or anyone that did say something to him gave him drama. Though he won't admit to it. It's still funny how he's able to afford all of this even though he still has probably hundreds of people he has to pay back. So for now I leave you with this.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Stupidity Continues

Though the sad part is some people just make it way too damn easy.

I still love how some people go on about just letting Allan drop and ignore the crap that he does. There's plenty of other people out there that are misusing money as well and there are others doing things that are much worse. That's not the point. The point is this idiot is a stain in this community that just won't go away and that continues to get worse. Along with there's plenty of people that actually have a brain in their heads and can plainly see what he's continuing to do. Those that either support him or that blindly stand by him just make themselves look worse as well. Though most of them are messed up already *coughs*racthetmechanic*coughs*

The idiot still thinks there's nothing wrong with continuing to spend the government assistance that he's receiving to help him live on more art of his shitty character. Even though there's still a large number of people he more than likely has to pay back still. Along with how much money he's spending on his entire trip to make it to Anthrocon.

His newest journal brought up a nice laugh. The sad and even funnier part is that he's already deleted it from many of the places that he posted it. Probably because again he's too stupid to keep his mouth shut and because he's incapable of changing himself. It's funny how long his I'm changing and not going to delete things or spam comments lasted. What was that like a month? And now he's deleted those journals as well.

"Anyone that continues attacking me verbally (especially when they assume stuff about me, getting information getting information wrong and wasting my time) will be immediately blocked and reported"

For one thing it's not assuming anything if people actually have proof of half the shit you do. I know I have screenshots of just about every damn journal you've put up since you got your sorry ass kicked out of the army. That and I've talked to several people that have talked to you and gave up because you won't listen.

It's also not wrong information when these people got it straight from you and it's all the same. It's called you're a moron and can't accept things.

And as far as people wasting your time? You apparently have all the time in the world so I have no idea what you're talking about there. If anything you're wasting everyone elses time by continuing your stupidity.

I find it funny though how you're acting like you're going to somehow block people and mute what they have to say at the con. *puts fingers in ears* "Lalala! I can't hear you! I'm going to go buy more porn!" You bring all this crap onto yourself and we all know you love the attention you get.

Also if you're trying to say that you've been planning this for a year now then you've got some explaining to do. Because by the sounds of that you were planning this before you got your ass kicked out onto the street and means you were going to try sucking more money off of people. Luckily for everyone they dumped your ass before that could happen. Though sadly enough now you're taking all of our money to go and do it anyways.

Also who's we? Your small group of asskissing white knighters? Or are you talking about your invisible friends that you talk to during the night because no one gives a flying fuck about your pathetic ass? You're not going to have a good time either way. If I recognized you while I'm there I'll gladly tell you what a pathetic person you are and I know plenty of others will as well. Hopefully this'll be your first and only convention. I know it won't teach you a lesson going there, but it sure as hell isn't going to be fun.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Don't enable him at AC or at all

You know exactly who I'm talking about so there's really no need to say. But everyone that knows what this retard has done and what he continues to do is going to Anthrocon for two reasons. 1.To be able to get more commissions. 2.More than likely to beg Dragoneer some more to let him back on FA or so that he can try telling Dragoneer off in person. All I can really say is no matter what it's not going to go well. Though he's more or less even said it in his journal that he's going to be getting art there. "I look forward to meeting artists fur to fur. :)" Translated to, "I get to bug people in person finally about art." The smart thing and the right thing for anyone to do if they are confronted by him at Anthrocon about commissions is simple. Deny him! It's not that hard to say, "Sorry, but I can not accept this commission request by you."

Which is another thing people should be doing online as well. Granted there are some people that don't know about all the crap that he's done. That understandable. Best thing to do then is not ask and just stay away from it. But for those of you that obviously know what he's done and even post in the submissions for people not to start something. That's like trying to cover a turd in perfume. It's not going to do anything. Why even accept the commission in the first place? You can't really use the excuse of, "Oh well money's money." No it's not if it causes crap like that to happen, you know what he's done so you shouldn't accept the money and there's more than likely plenty of other people that will give you money for the commission. That or if for whatever reason even after everything you still have to take his government money and do the drawing. Don't post it! Don't show anyone else! Tell him not to post it or link to it! Though that last part won't happen since he wants people to see all the art he gets to help inflate his ego. Why some artists still go and do all this still makes no sense at all to me. x.x

And also again as far as him attending Anthrocon. That is still one of the dumbest moves from him I've seen so far. One thing though, as you can probably tell, I don't support this idiot at all or condone what he does, but remember this. You can yell at the idiot all you want till your blue in the face and tell him off every chance you get there. Just do not try to actually get physical with him. Because all that's going to do is cause a lot more issues. One thing furries don't need is more bad press. Along with no one needs to get themselves thrown into jail because of his sorry ass or even the convention put to a halt because of it. So do what you must with the idiot. Just keep your common sense in mind.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stupidity and Laziness in People

It's one of those things that honestly just makes me dislike people more and more anymore. Most people never seem to have a mind of their own anymore and like to just follow along with everyone else. Mostly because it's easier to do that than to think for yourself.

It's one of those things that I still think sets me apart from most furries. Most of the time I have what's called common sense and can think for myself. Most people don't seem to have the ability to use it anymore. I just can't help but laugh and roll my eyes when I see a popular artist do something completely stupid and admit to doing this horrible act. Yet most people won't care and will turn a blind eye to it. Why do you ask? Mostly because they like their art. They don't truly care about the person. They just love the fapable porn they produce.

I've even had my own fun experience with this. I know there's a good many that know about this now and I'm still glad about how I got it taken care of. Several months ago I ran across a journal that was about fursuits. Yeah I was wrong about that and apparently missed the guy's past journals. >.> Long story shot Thewielder decided to call out suiters and basically act like they were all pedos. That's when I did the smart thing and didn't even try to get involved in it. I just reported the journal, there were more the next day, and got them deleted. That's apparently when he threw a childish little fit about it and then tried to get me riled up over it. Along with trying to get some of his retards to go after me....yeah sorry not going to work. After all of that finally died down and seeing some of his later journals the guy honestly has to have some kind of mental retardation of some kind. Because he just seems to throw out some of the most retarded crap to try and get a reaction out of them. He's obviously an attention whore and it's pretty pathetic about how he goes about it.

But back at the original reason for this. I know I'm lazy and can be stupid at times myself I don't deny that. But some people just take it to extremes. About halfway through my shift at work today it just started pouring and it's funny and sad at the same time how people react to it. More or less they act afraid. No one wanted to leave the store so they either stayed inside or waited just outside till it stopped. And what did I do? I just put my hat on and walked out it in. Laughing at how stupid people act to a little water. Hell at home I'll purposely go out in it just because it's relaxing to me. There's also many other things, but I could probably fill a book with all of that. x3 Oh yeah other than the fact that Allan is throwing a fit because someone took his name on that inkbunny site.

I think the laziness mostly comes in for me on actually seeing how many people are horribly overweight. Like I said for now I'm mostly pushing carts around at Target. It's a mindless, pointless job, but at least it's getting me money. So I usually see just about everyone that goes in and out of their doors. Granted I'm not mr fit myself. I'm a little bit chubby, but at least I'm not horribly fat and I'm fit to a degree. Again just makes me think about how this country is going to hell. Doesn't help though that half of these people seem to have two or more kids anymore. Yeah that's a smart idea. Have as many children as possible and spread your horrible habits onto them. Some people just should not have children. That and most people should be sterilized. Partially so they don't pass on their stupidity as well. Holy crap how did you get pregnant we used protection?! Umm you still fucked her dumbass. >.>

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Allan Dilemma

This should probably come as to no surprise to anyone that this is my first post on here. Especially since it's been a topic that keeps climbing as of late.

With me not long after getting active on Furaffinity I began to notice people like all. Those that get art and get some sort of popularity because of it. It didn't bother me at first but gradually I became annoyed with it and realized just how stupid it was. So I unwatched him and most other people that are like him.

Then I gradually began to hear things going on with him. Like when his begging for money thing first came up, however I mostly just ignored it. Then came the point when he posted his, "help me I need money or I'll be out on the streets" journal. It was interesting on how that all started going down. It was also a little before and after that when I saw a few journals beginning to pop up of people that have personally dealt with him. I found out how he'd move in with people, mooch off of them and then go on somewhere else. I know how bad this can be since my ex was living with me for about a year a little over a year ago now until I kicked his lazy ass out.

After that I saw a few other things post up. Mostly again on how he'd mooch off of people and ask them for money. But then turn around and mostly use it towards commissions for his excessively unique character. Then the suggestions came out of how he should just join the army.

It was about that time, or so he says, that he joined the army and I thought that was the end up that. Hehe yeah no.

Several months after that a friend linked me to his DA page saying Allan was back and he's getting commissions again already. I got curious so I went over there myself to see just what that was about. Very first post on there was an IM conversation between him and dragoneer. Mostly him bitching dragoneer out and asking why all his crap was taking off FA. Uhh you were banned and you were in the army there's no need for it to be on there anymore.

Shit like this continued for the next couple months and I had watched most of it pop up on his DA account. I was also able to screen shot most of his stupid crap. Mostly on how he'd spaz out and then delete the journal to act like it never happened. All the while trying to tell people he's changed when he's still spending money on commissions and whenever anything negative came up he'd try to cover it up. That and he'd over abuse the hide comment/spam comment option on DA.

Then one of his funniest things was him saying that he's trying to pay people back now when he's living off of government money. When again he keeps throwing commissions out there. He seems to be telling everyone that he has a list of everyone that's given him money. That I highly doubt. More than likely the list is from the people that have gone and bitched to him about getting their money back. Which is the main reason he's paid anyone back.

Personally I think his lowest attempt is trying to call himself a Army Vet. You didn't even make it through basic training and probably purposefully hurt yourself just to get kicked out of it because you couldn't handle it. You calling yourself that is disgraceful.

The newest act of stupidity is finding out that he is planning/is going to Anthrocon here in two weeks. You'd think that someone that's this unpopular and well known in the fandom would stay the hell away from the biggest furry convention in the US. No apparently he's too stupid for that. The funny part in all of this is that the guy in charge of the "Big Girls Don't Cry" club as Silver put it is actually supporting the guy. If you're trying to help people alright. But if you're going to enable someone that's a blatant liar and can't keep himself on the same path for two seconds then frankly you're just as bad as him. Also he probably has more than a mental retardation if he can't understand that if he would go away for a good while and just quit doing what he's still doing then things might not be as bad.

Hell one of my friends had allan add him to aim a short while ago here. Just over the past two days allan randomly went and started talking to him. Sadly according to my friend everything people say about allan is true. All he did was wine and complain about how everyone is being so mean to him and how Silver keeps posting nasty stuff about him. Along with my friend said allan does seem to have a big ego like others thought as well. He kept trying to send my friend drawings that were done of his character and he kept calling himself the sexy wolf or something stupid like that in the convo.

This is the one part of my post that may seem a bit contradicting, but if you think about it then it may make some sense. If you're going to Anthrocon and you're planning on jumping allan, beating him up or whatever your best bet is to think otherwise. I know I'm not one of the people that got scammed money when he was going through all that cap originally. So I can't speak for those people. But with him it really wouldn't be worth it. The least that could happen would be you getting thrown into jail for assault. The worst that could happen is the news crew could get involved and the whole convention could be thrown onto the news due to a beating. Which in turn all that would end up doing is throwing furries into a bad light once again. Possibly even getting Anthrocon shut down because of it. One dumbass like him isn't worth getting a whole convention shut down.

Now going up to the retard and yelling at him about how much of a dumbass he is is another story. If you feel the need to do that and get something off your chest then by all means to. Maybe it'll make him go back to his room and hide for the rest of the con. Because come on. We all know the only reason he's going there is to get more art and to more than likely beg dragoneer some more. Which if that happens I so want to get that on video tape.

Honestly the best way as I see it to solve that last bit is to somehow get his ass banned from Anthrocon. A friend of mine has already tried to contact the staff to see if they're able to do anything about it. However more than likely nothing will happen and they'll let him attend and let the cards fall as they will.

Until then all people can do is keep an eye out for him and laugh even more at the stupid crap he likes to pull.