Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Money talks shit walks

And this shit really gets around. For starters the person I'm talking about is www.furaffinity.net/user/cyrsynik So where to start on this. Well for starters he was one of the people I had mentioned in a previous blog that was about my idiot ex, which that's oddly enough how I met him.

Seemed like he was normal enough at first of course, but then the shit started to happen. Found out he was interested in my ex, even after my ex had used him, and wouldn't let him drop. I accepted that and let you make your own stupid mistake with that. But then while I'm trying to help you and such and get you to understand a few other things you treat me like this and give me the emo treatment and wouldn't listen about not wanting to rp with you. That's the exact moment where I lost trust in you.

Time went on and I continued to have little contact with him because I didn't feel comfortable talking to him anymore, but it was easier to just deal with him than it was to tell him off.

At one point he broke up with his one mate...like five times or something like that. I more or less lost count at one point and he ended up throwing a fit. Basically putting up pissy and emo journal one after another. Along with, I may be wrong on this, his or it was at least someone's personal info on FA after he got pissed of and started throwing a fit. After a while he deleted those things, because I don't think anyone reported him. Otherwise he would have been banned for a while from the site. Crap like this happened off and on for a little while over the past year or so.

Then one of his biggest little fits he pulled the suicide card. But did it with the wrong person. Because they actually took it seriously, called the cops and got cyrsynik thrown into jail for it.

Time went by and like I said I never regained trust in him, but apparently I had to win trust back in him because I told my friends when he was badmouthing them to me. Along with he started to become one of those people that didn't understand what relationships were and kept trying to go after Kep and even admitted that he liked me.

Even at one point recently, right before Anthrocon actually, Kep tells me that cyrsynik tried going after him yet again, saying how he wanted to be with Kep and such, and Kep shot him down and I had a good laugh.

Now we get to about a week ago. I heard that cyrsynik was being snippy and such to Kep and I had more or less had enough. So I went and told cyrsynik that he needed to cut that crap out because I've had enough of it. So he had said a few things which caused me to post that one journal on FA. Here's the texts he sent me during all of that.

"What's up?

I was doing no such thing. D:

Well I guess hes upset at something but wont tell me what, then he blocked me because I asked him about it. You have fun with that im going to go bone a dragon, Goodbye.

...im only mated to one person. And i never left hbim. But ok? Not like what you have is much of one either. Considering i moved out and live with my partner. *chuckles* and i could tell you stories naki :3 aaaaanyway tell him i said im open to talk if he wants.

Well ok. But just for kicks me and kep had plenty of paw sessions over the phone and he has sent me quite a few pictures of him in his loincloth and such ;p anyways. I'm glad to see your being mature about this. I'll see you next ac. As for him i don't know. He's mad because I wouldn't yiff him so whatever. I can send you the logs if you want proof.

What question?

:/ you know, this is all stupid right?

Well then we can move past it. I'll unblock you from fa when I go back inside. Dude seriously naki i'm not oging to fight with you over relationships. What I said was just not the right thing. But ayways either or your still a great friend, weather you believe it or not.

So can we move on with this?

Well it's gone naki. But i think we both should get some much needed rest. I hope to hear from you soon huskybutt."

He continued to try and contact me and I ignored it. Then at one point several days later after he had noticed my journal he started sending me these texts.

"Hey Naki you ok now?

Naki...can you please reply?

*sighs* fine. You can hate me all you want but I will not be called a liar. Please take that journal down.

I wasn't lying...just so you know. Your still a good friend just so you know.

(Later in the day)

Yeah, well im not saying i should have done what i did. i'm sorry about it naki. but he even told you himself he was having a bad day.

Ummm naki, that was like forever ago. I mean fine so be it if he was sorry for me i don't care. The poin tis that we, meaning all 3 of us, were friends. I don't want it to end. I'm not asking for all your trust back either, i just don't want to lose you two. Besides like Kepwould leave you for my ugly ass anyways.

No, it's never too late. I don't see why you hate me so much anyway.

Well I didn't. I figured hed hate me for the rest of forever. And seriously, this is a dumb reason to be fighting. Just let it go naki, please.

Why? Because i -used- to date stray? I just want a reason as to why you can't just forgive me. I's like the littlest fuck up i do sets you off.

*sighs* whatever naki. Your being immature about this. And at least I don't live with my fucking mom still. Fuck you you fiece of shit.

Good call lol"

So for one thing. He apparently wasn't lying about those few things he said about Kep. But we talked about it, I was able to calm Kep down and we worked things out. However cyrsynik couldn't seem to get it through his head that messing with someones relationship is a perfectly good reason to be pissed off at someone.

So after everything luckily Kep listened to me and we more or less blocked him and got rid of him on everything that we could. Though he's still able to text me with his phone and he's been continuing to try and contact me to talk to me again. Yesterday he sent me a few texts trying to contact me once again and then sent me this one. Probably after I had mentioned my ex in one of my friends journals.

"Hey, for the record, if you don't want these precious pictures of your wolf spreading around, then leave stray alone. Got it? :) This is not up for negotiation. Have a nice day."

So yeah this is the kind of person he is like I said. He'll get pissed off and basically threaten to spread around personal information and such because he doesn't really have any balls.

Like I've said before you are plum out of luck if you think me and Kep are going to want to talk to you again so unless you want to make yourself look like even more of a pathetic idiot you might want to try and stop contacting us.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Fakers

This is one thing the fandom is full of sadly enough. People that try to act like something they're not either to get attention or just because. I know there's some out there that do it because they have different characters or whatever. For me I am who I am. I state how I am in my profile and don't hide anything. As I say in it I'm a good guy, you just don't start shit with me and I can be an ass when and if I need to be. I know I'm not perfect myself. Along with my character is me. That's why I act like myself and not something else. Though there are plenty of people out there that'll act all nice, but in reality they're just blatant stuck up assholes.

In this one I'm speaking specifically about baltowoof. I've only had a few run ins with him myself, but those short encounters told me a lot about him. He's a blatant asshole that's also completely stuck up about himself.

Usually I try not to judge people before I actually get to know them or anything. There are a few circumstances when I don't. But again sometimes people are able to fake it so well you're not really able to figure it out till a while after. For me everything started up when he posted a journal to a survey he was conducting on fursuiters. Basically to see who actually does sexual acts in them, which that's something else I'll comment on, and who doesn't.

One thing before I continue is another way to see how much of an asshole this guy is is the fact that he had a suit that was made for someone else and before he gave it to said person he had sex with it and posted videos of it on xtube. Yeah you don't do that with someone elses suit.

But as I was saying he posted the results a few days or so in the journal and it said most furs didn't do anything sexual in their suits. He also included in the description of the journal that anyone that was to troll or start drama with all of this will receive a temporary block on his page. Now I wish I had screen shots of all of this, but I don't. So I commented in it saying something along the lines of, "I wonder how many people were telling the truth in this." He proceeded to reply to me saying something like, "Please keep your thoughts off of my journal." I didn't know if he was being serious of if he was just being stupid with me. So I ended up commenting back with, "That's just what I'm thinking. Imagine what actually comes out of my mouth." I don't completely remember what he said back but it was something just like, "uh huh." and blocked me. I was actually going to reply to that saying I didn't know if he was being serious or not, but I was just kind of joking around with it then, but that obviously didn't happen.

So I was confused as to what had happened so I made an account quick so I could ask him about it. This is what happened through the notes on it.


The last one there is one he sent me on that account after I more or less told him off and blocked him on my actual account. I was mostly saying on how I don't know what his issue is, but I had lost a lot of respect for him after pulling that little stunt. That and how he wasn't going to hear from me again. I hadn't checked that account since all of this went down so it was almost a year later that I read that last note.

Which again it just makes him look like a complete dick again. By the sounds of it he just posts journals on his page more or less to get attention. Because as he stated he doesn't want people to comment in them or leave feedback in his journals. Yet he continues to post them. >.>

Then several months later he started having an emo fit or something like that. Because he deleted most of his account and posted this on the front page of it.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By red13nanaki at 2010-08-03

I figured he was having a fit that people like him tend to have and abandoned his account. Apparently sometime after this he put up a journal where he completely spazzed out or something. Either I just don't remember it or I just never saw it. But this is the resulting journal from that and my comments to it.


After all of this I realized I wasn't the only one that had issues with or that thought he was an ass. So apparently it wasn't just me. The thing I still find funny is the fact that I actually made a good friend out of all of this. Though after all of this was over he deleted the journal and tried to wash his hands of it as well.

Time went on and nothing really happened. I've seen him post more asshole/whoring journals for attention, but nothing juicy. Though at one point I stumbled across his twitter page, which he as locked, but he had a real photo of himself as an icon. Which as far as I'm concerned it just makes him look like even more of an ass.

Then comes Anthrocon this year. As many of you know I went and had a blast. Though at one point me, Ana, Syn and her mate were walking through the tunnel that leads to the bridge that goes to the Westen. That's when two suiters were walking by and I more or less didn't pay them any attention. Though out of the corner of my eye I was one of them doing that whole, "I'm scratching my cheek, but I'm actually flicking you off, thing." I just kind of chuckled a little bit and wondered what that was about. That's when Ana turned to me and stared asking if I knew who they were. Which turns out it was Azure and Balto. So he thought he'd be cute and flick me off in his one suit in thinking I wouldn't know who it was. Granted I didn't, but Ana did. So you're pathetic little attempt was kind of ruined there.

Then after the con a few more random little things came up. Like how he let someone else use his suit for the dance competition, which won, even though he can't dance or anything. For those of you that are wondering no I'm not jealous. I can't dance myself and I could care less. ^^; But the main reason he seems to have done it is so he can brag about it. Even though he had nothing to do with it.

His newest journal again just kind of adds to the asshole factor. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1602573/

Frankly I don't know what his issue is. Either he's just a flat out dick, which I think is part of it. Along with he must feel like he's better than everyone else because he has a fursuit, is in a relationship with a fursuit maker, goes to lots of cons and has several suits. That doesn't make you better than someone. Who you are and what you do decides that. Just because I draw and have a suit doesn't make me better than anyone else out there. Again these are the great people that tend to make this fandom shit anymore.